Nahdlatul Ulama University of Purwokerto
Nahdlatul Ulama University of Purwokerto offers a rigorous academic program with a history of excellence in science and technology studies, socio-economic and humanities, as well as Islamic studies.
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On Campus
UNU Purwokerto campus creates a stunning backdrop for all that happens within the University.
Our Faculty
Faculty of Science and Technology
Graduates from the Faculty of Science and Technology are equipped with strong analytical, problem-solving, and technical skills. They are well-prepared to contribute to research, development, and industry challenges in a rapidly evolving world.
Faculty of Social Economics and Humanities
Graduates from the Faculty of Social Economics and Humanities possess strong critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills. They are equipped to address societal issues, understand cultural dynamics, and contribute to social development and policy-making.
Faculty of Islamic Studies
Graduates from the Faculty of Islamic Studies are well-versed in Islamic theology, law, and philosophy. They possess strong ethical values, critical thinking skills, and are prepared to contribute to religious, educational, and social development in diverse communities.
Faculty of Science and Technology
- S1 - Agroteknologi
- S1 - Teknologi Pangan
- S1 - Teknik Pertanian & Biosistem
- S1 - Peternakan
- S1 - Biologi
- S1 - Matematika
- S1 - Ilmu Perikanan
- S1 - Ilmu Keolahragaan
- S1 - Sains Lingkungan
Faculty of Social Economics and Humanities
- S1 - Manajemen
- S1 - Akuntansi
- S1 - Administrasi Publik
- S1 - Ilmu Hukum
- S1 - Hukum Syari’ah
- S1 - Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Faculty of Islamic Studies
- S1 - Pendidikan Agama Islam
- S1 - Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
- S1 - Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
- S1 - Pendidikan Bahasa Arab